The handsome man in the picture is my Daddy, Carl Francis White. He is credited for the title of this blog page, as it was a sentiment he used on me often whenever things turned bad. “They can’t eat ya,” he would shrug. Daddy passed away June 1, 2020. He was 80 years old. I had the honor of writing[…]
On Opinions…
Everyone has their own opinions on the state of our world right now. In Oklahoma, our governor has decided to start “reopening the state” this week. There are varying opinions about this from “Oh, thank God,” to “WTF?? Is he crazy?” The key players in our state’s government cannot even agree on the right thing to do. Is it too[…]
On Surprises…
I am reading The Book of Awakening, Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have, by Mark Nepo. (This is a wonderful, non-denominational daily devotional). The devotional for April 21 is The Gift of Surprise. One of the things I know about myself is that I love surprises, I just want to know about them[…]
On a very different St. Patrick’s Day.
March 17, 2020 looks very different than March 17, 2019. A year ago, I was sharing interesting Irish facts on social media and looking forward to tipping back a few pints of Guinness in celebration of my people. Who would have believed a year later, I would be embracing sobriety and all St. Patrick’s Day celebrations would be canceled? Had[…]
On Art and Its Beholder
January 1, 2020, I didn’t take my walk before sunrise. I had a third cup of coffee and took it later, after the sun had risen. I also decided to take a different route. It amazes me sometimes to see things during the daylight that I don’t see predawn. But this would be an new route altogether. The morning sky[…]
On Simple Love
Last night I dreamed about my mother. She was tiny and frail, and I was caring for her, like we did in those last days. It was just her and me, together. No one else. She needed to go to the bathroom, so I carried her in. This is something I never would have attempted alone in real life for[…]
On Being Realistic
Telling a child to be realistic is a cruel but passive form of child abuse. There, I said it. It’s true. There were never more hateful, bitter, dream killer words uttered, generation after generation. The cycle must stop. A child comes into this world without any awareness of his limitations. He is a clean slate of possibilities. His parents ask[…]
On Becoming
Most people who know me, know I love a good sunrise. But, I doubt they know why. I love sunrises because it is visual evidence that the night is becoming the day. The dark becoming the light. When I see that sun come up, in the words of Alexander Pope, “hope spring eternal.” Starting each day with the sunrise, watching[…]
Happy New Year. 2020.
The picture shows an actual page from my journal, dated January 1, 2019. a full year ago. You may not be able to read my handwriting (no one can), so the list goes: Morning Person Write everyday (even if it’s just this journal, but strive for more). Utilize and plan every hour of the day so as to not waste[…]
Bravery 101 – Getting Out of the Comfort Zone.
I had a company holiday party to attend this weekend. A holiday party I not only had to attend but plan and execute, as well. This is the first party in my new job, and the boss said he wanted the dress “semi formal.” The guest list was nearly 300 people, including our board of directors. A month ago I[…]