Give every day a chance to become the most beautiful day of your life – Mark Twain How things have changed in the celebration of a new year. When my peer group was under 21, it was all about flopping at some buddy’s house and partying hard until dawn. As we got older and had more money, we dressed to[…]
On a Winter Rest…
Today is December 21, Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. It will be Christmas in just a couple of days. Coming off open heart surgery in late September, I promised myself two things about Christmas 2023. First, I would not overdo it. I would not stress about gifts or decorating or baking and canning. I would do what[…]
On My Heart (A Series) … Back to Normal Life.
I went back to work this week. There was discussion with my doctor and Charles about possibly working from home for awhile or doing shorter days. In in the end, I decided to go all in. My co-workers were so warm and welcoming. My boss presented me with a fragrant bouquet of flowers. I was temporarily given a VIP parking[…]
On the Manners in Nature…
We are well into fall here at Sugarberry Slope, and deep winter is not far away. While spring, summer and early fall provide a cornucopia of food for the wide variety of critters that call Sugarberry home, I am compelled to supplement in late fall and winter. Fruit past its prime, last week’s seeded bread, the discarded parts of vegetables[…]
On My Heart (A Series)… Two Month Mark.
It is November 25, two months since my heart surgery. I was going to celebrate the milestone by doing a Christmas light walk at our local zoo tonight. They string light displays all over the zoo and sell tickets to the public. My sister’s family and Charles and I had made plans to go. But, it turned much colder today.[…]
On My Heart (A Series)… A Thankful Heart
It is Thanksgiving 2023. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There are no gifts to buy, and not really any decorating to do. Sure, some over achievers like to put up fall themed decorations, autumn colors, some pumpkins, a scare crow or a hay bale or two, but those items can usually be carried over from September. Thanksgiving is about counting[…]
On My Heart (A Series)… Measurements and Data
Since the first diagnosis of heart failure, some ten years ago, medical professionals have routinely heard my symptoms and feelings about my symptoms and batted them back at me with measurements and data. “I’m sort of breath,” I say. “But your oxygen level is at 98%,” they say. “You are getting plenty of air.” “I feel like I’m retaining fluid,”[…]
My Heart (A Series)… Coming Into Focus Again.
When she penned “Breathe,” Becky Hemsley ended the poem with: And she found a small clearing surrounded by firs. And she stopped … and she heard what the trees said to her, And she sat there for hours not wanting to leave, For the forest said nothing, it just let her breathe. “Breathe” is a poem about finding one’s self[…]
On My Heart (A Series)… My Cane.
I lost my cane Saturday. I was using it when I went to plant crocus and tulip bulbs up near the driveway. After I got the bulbs planted, I walked along the road and picked up a few articles of trash, a Monster drink can and a McDonald’s cup. Energy drinkers and McDonald’s patrons are among the worst offenders for[…]
On My Heart (A Series) … Carpe Diem
I seized the day. I had a good night sleep and woke up feeling rested. The weather was nice. A little breezy but the temperature got near 70 degrees. The hard freeze last week has killed off most of the flowers. There are a few Indian blankets still hanging on, as well as some goldenrod and some asters, but most[…]