A year ago, I never saw sunrises like this. A year ago, on November 17, 2018, my dear friend David Gray died. I was still heavily mourning the death of my mother four months earlier, a loss so devastating I felt I hadn’t taken a breath since she took her last. I was still in mourning for my beloved heartdog[…]
Fifteen Days Ago….
Fifteen days ago, I drank this beer in a fantastic little bar in Cozumel, Mexico, Dick’s Dive. My beloved and I had arrived earlier that day and were looking forward to a full week of fun, relaxation and a couple more dozen of these. Let’s go back a bit. Over the past year, I have been aware of my drinking.[…]
Important Dreams.
I have been on vacation this week and have just returned. My mind is full of thoughts and things I want to blog about, but fatigue and the need to get ready for the upcoming week require me to put them on hold until later in the week. However, I thought I would share this one. It is an old[…]
Gone, But Not Forgotten
This time of year my big brother “Gene” always comes to mind. His birthday is October 12. His soul departed to Heaven in 2014, but we lost him many years ago to pain and depression. When I remember him, I like to go back in time, when he was young, handsome, healthy and ornery; back to the time when girls[…]
NOW, Voyager
This poem is a favorite of mine. I was first introduced to it as a preteen, when I discovered old movies with the help of my mother. I loved everything old Hollywood, the black and whites of the early years of cinema. Those old films transported me to exotic places I could never have imagined and introduced me to glamorous[…]
Be Anxious for Nothing.
Someone on social media recently shared this meme, and I’m not sure why, but it made me laugh. That’s not exactly true, if I think about it, I do know why. The reason it was initially funny is because I have started taking college courses with a goal toward earning a degree in English. Anyone who has taken college English[…]
Staying in My Own Lane.. an Epiphany Revisited.
The following is a except from post I wrote a couple of years ago. I post it here to share how far I’ve come since March 17, 2017 and how much more work I have to do. “Like most people, I have a list of things to do, goals, a bucket list. It seems to grow every day. Being busy[…]
Remembering Kindness
More often than not, I wake up in the morning with a random song in my head. Also, more often than not, there is no reason I can think of for that particular song to be there. Recently, the song that greeted me was one I had not heard, or even thought about it since 4th or 5th grade. My[…]
Sunrise is My Favorite Color
I like to say that sunrise is my favorite color. It is the inspiration for my logo. It is why I get up every morning, put on my walking shoes and get out there before the sun rises in hopes of greeting it as it reaches across the morning sky. It is a stunning combination of pinks and blues and[…]
The Late Great Grandpa Harvie
One hero from my childhood was my maternal grandfather, Harvie Montgomery. I flat out adored him. That is him and me in the picture, dated 1967. It must have been Easter or something, because he is not wearing overalls and I appear reasonably clean. Grandpa was a simple man. He and Grandma Exie didn’t own much; just a tiny house[…]